Nestled amongst the dense concrete structures in the heart of Century City, Cape Town, lies a birding paradise named Intaka Island. The Island was created as a compromise solution to preserve the pre-existing wetlands that were threatened when shopping mall, residential and other structures at Century City were built many years ago. The site offers a wide year round variety of birds coupled with security, two features that are a birder's dream. There are approximately four functioning ponds that filter the recycled sewerage water which eventually flows around the canals at the Canal Walk shopping centre. A few of the bird species that can be found at Intaka Islad are depicted below. On one visit lasting three hours, I photographed 2 malachite kingfishers, many waxbills, cape weavers, one pied kingfisher, pigeons, cormorants, african darters, sacred ibises, glossy ibises, plovers, bishops, double collared sunbirds, egrets, ducks, egyptian geese, coots and herons; g...